Form Properties

Form Properties

Quickly change the form’s title, description, success message, and other settings.

Large Form Support

Large Form Support

Build a large form with 500+ fields. The MachForm engine handles it well.

Automatic Scheduling

Automatic Scheduling

Automatically enable the form for certain periods of time only.

Limit Submission

Limit Submission

Automatically disable the form when the number of entries reaches the limit you set.

Spam Protection

Spam Protection

Enable image or text CAPTCHA to protect your forms from spambots.

Review Page

Review Page

Display a confirmation page prior to final submission.

Secure Forms

Secure Forms

Create password-protected forms and use HTTPS.

Multiple Integration

Multiple Integration

Easily embed your form in any page. Use Javascript, iFrame or PHP code.

International Languages

International Languages

Use different languages for your forms. Over 20 languages are available.

Export / Import Form

Export / Import Form

Quickly copy your form from one instance to another.